
Monday, February 7, 2011

chai tea fix

There's just something about it that is so welcoming on a cold winter afternoon.
(and no. we did not buy this cup at a Star Bucks, we won it a raffle, haha)
Lately I've been experimenting with blues in photos. For some reason I'm drawn to it...that's probably why it's my favorite color! Ir can be vibrant, but still warm and simple at the same time, I love it!

What is your favorite color?
What colors do you enjoy working with when taking photos?

  Do you have a favorite drink? I guess I don't really have an all time  favorite, but chai tea is for sure up on the list! :)

P.S. I couldn't really make a long post so I had to make this one kind if short and simple! If ya were wondering ;)

-ella joy

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I really like the starbucks mug it's adorable. Chai tea is Amazing! It's my favorite hot drink:)

    <3 Josey



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