
Thursday, March 17, 2011

ladybugs and miracles

 The sun is shining, the birds are singing their beautiful songs. New life is emerging every where I look. Not to mention I only have a little over 2 months of my sophomore year to go, and then it's Summer! (Yes I already have a count-down (; ) What could be any better?

I was with my cousin Lindsay a few days ago and we stumbled upon these little miracles. I know, I'm being a bit dramatic with my wording but that's really what they are! These flowers are called Snow Drops, and they're one the first signs of Spring!

  Speaking of mircales...I forgot to mention in my last post about my new cousin Levi. He was born on the 14th. You can read his mama's blog and find out his amazing story! :) He is absolutely adorable, if I do say so my self! I love that little guy and his amazing family!

 When Lindsay and I saw these cute little Lady Bugs we just had to snap a few photos. She let me take her camera home(cause I didn't have mine at the time unfortunately) and upload the pictures that I took onto my laptop. So Lindsay, if you are reading this, thanks once again! :D

God is the master artist. He is so brilliant, I can't even wrap my mind around it! <3

I hope your days are wonderful, and that you are experiencing some of the Lords little miracles throughout them too!

-ella joy


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