11 years ago I was meeting this little girl for the first time in the hospital,

11 years ago was when my life changed dramatically because I finally had a little sister!
Whenever I see look at the photo above I just smile...and laugh because the expression on her face is just too cute! It has so much innocence, and liveliness, it's Gracie written all over it!

11 years ago was when a little bit more sunshine entered our home. Gracie so full of joy, and she keeps us all laughing! I'm so thankful that she is my little sister.
Even though we're almost 5 years apart, she is one of my best friends!

Gracie has a pretty easy going disposition, and she usually doesn't show to many of her emotions when we're talking.
And me, well...I'm not that way AT ALL! I'm very easy going, but when it comes to conversations Gracie is always there to listen to me vent and share things that I just need to let out.
It kind of makes me sad to think that in just 2 more fleeting years this little girl is going to be a teenager! Did I really just say that; a teenager?
Wait...NEWS FLASH! No longer can this little girl hold up both hands to say how old she is! What in the world is happening here? haha I think that the saying, "Time fly's", is an understatement! How about, "Time moves so fast that one day you wake up and BAM, reality hits you...and it hits you hard!".
That's more like it!
Okay sorry, I'm kind of rambaling on...I tend to do that a lot. : / hahaAny way, I'm just sooo thankful to the LORD for giving me Gracie! He has truly blessed us in amazing ways!
I was wondering, do you think that you could leave a comment for Gracie, and just tell her Happy Birthday? I know that she enjoy them so much! :D Or you cuold even go to her own little blog and say it yourself if you'd like! :)
Have an AMAZING day!
-ella joy
Happy Birthday Gracie!