
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

random rambles

Lately I have been a little slakish with my blogging...(ahem, please excuse my bad choice of grammar with the word slackish. So I'm very sorry fr not posting on a regular basis! :(
It's funny, I use the word slackish a lot, and I never knew that it wasn't an actual word until a little red squiggly line appeared underneath while I was typing. Hey, I guess you learn something new everyday right!?! ;)

I took this awhile ago actually. But I just thought that it was so random and cute I just had to post it! 

I have some exciting news to share...

I'm proud to say that in Wisconsin...

the snow is finally melting away!!! :) haha

I am over the the moon with giddiness! The sun is shining brilliantly and I can actually see some green grass!

I  was taking a relaxing walk in the woods when I saw this. The vibrancy of it just jumped out at me. I guess even moss can look beautiful after having 4 long months of winter! 

It blows my mind when I look around and everywhere I go there are signs of new life just bursting, trying to make a way for us to experience Gods beauty! I think that Spring is one of the best seasons, it makes me joyful and ...smiley! :D heehee

Spring is on it's way everyone! <3

Do you have a favorite season?

love: ella joy


  1. Love both of these photos! Very creative shot of the peas and so glad you're seeing green in the woods now!

  2. I live in WI too, hope the nice weather keeps up.


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